Dance Intensive



Click below for everything you need to know, from the Cert III prospectus to Dance Intensive fees and pre-requisites.
Click here to register your interest!

What is Dance Intensive?

  • To provide training and mentoring to students who are contemplating full time performing arts courses and or seeking a career in the arts.
  • To maintain, nurture and build on the technique that the students already have and further develop the skills they require to thrive as dancers, performers and artists.
  • The ‘intensive’ is designed to provide preparatory training for students seeking to achieve a high level of competency in dance.
  • To combine this Dance Intensive day with CUA30113 Cert III in Dance through the RTO ATOD. (Not compulsory)
  • To train and mentor, the students to be audition ready
  • To provide individual career mentoring and professional development from trainers that have extensive industry connections.

Dance Intensive has been created out of the need to offer Dance Students the opportunity to extend their training and who have a clear desire to make dance a career; whether a performer, educator, or choreographer.

Dance Intensive will engender enthusiasm for dance and will serve a preparatory course for those contemplating full-time dance or wanting to keep their skills at an "audition ready" level.  Dance Intensive gives students a springboard from which to leap into full-time or professional performance.

Dance Intensive Encourages
  • A sense of "work experience" for a career in dance.
  • Students are able to receive quality technical performance training and career guidance.
  • Students get familiar with working to a routine of dancing all day.
  • Their bodies and minds become prepared for a life as a dancer
  • To assist aspiring dancers in understanding they to be mindful of maintaining a certain standard and level of training, discipline and maturity in order to be successful in a very competitive industry.
  • A practical realistic approach to understanding and being prepared for the audition process; physical, personal presentation, etiquette, cv writing, photos and showreels.



What does the day look like?

Commencing in 2022 Dance Intensive will be conducted on Wednesdays. This is subject to change according to the cohort.


9-9:45 am              Fitness, Stretch and Conditioning

9:45- 11:15 am   Audition Technique & Mock Auditions 

11:15-12:30 pm Jazz Styles (Commercial, Broadway, Fosse, Showgirl) 

12:30-1 pm            Lunch

1-2:15 pm               Contemporary & Lyrical Styles

2:15-3:30 pm        Cert Work & Showreel Prep

Dance Intensive is open to both pre-professional students wishing to take further their training with open classes or school students from year 10 to 12.  

Vocational Qualifications | Cert III in Dance RTO ATOD 

The pathways offered through ATOD (RTO31624) at Danzart Studio provide excellence in dance training for the next generation of successful multi-faceted dancers. For those with visions of inspiring and teaching generations to come, our one-on-one tailored mentoring program provides professional and sustainable dance career pathways.

Dance Intensive Trainers & Mentors

Dance Intensive trainers are highly qualified genre-specific industry professionals relevant to the arts industry. They bring a wealth of knowledge from their dance industry experiences, increasing the opportunities for future employment for our students.

Through-out the course Dance Intensive will direct and mentor young dancers in the latest styles and trends of the Dance Industry by accessing highly skilled industry professional experienced dance tutors.

Kellie Hansen 

Danzart Principal - Dance Intensive Director

ADA - Dance QUT - CSTD - RAD affiliate member - ATOD affiliate member

Kellie is completing her Cert IV in training and assessment in December of this year to become a qualified trainer and assessor for vocational studies.

Click Here for Kellie's Profile

Matt Browning

Course Consultant | TAE qualified assessor | Audition Technique & Jazz Styles

Click here for Matt's Profile